Parent Information
Parents play a vital part of our school community. We rely on strong links and communication between home and school. When we work together we achieve better outcomes for our students. At WMPS we encourage parents and extended family to be involved in school life.
The huge range of activities in our school could not run so well without the support of parents. These vary from Governing Council, canteen, mentoring and listening to reading through to sports days, excursions and camps.
Some parents can be involved regularly and others can only help out once or twice a year. All contributions are valued by our school.
Policies & Procedures
Attendance Policy
(PDF, 320KB)
Anti Bullying and Racism
(PDF, 215KB)
Emergency Management Plan
(PDF, 1MB)
Grievance Procedure
(PDF, 315KB)
Behaviour Education and Support Policy
(PDF, 346KB)
Headlice Policy
(PDF, 786KB)
Uniform Policy
(PDF, 177KB)
Assessment & Reporting
(PDF, 471KB)
Communication Guidelines Policy
(PDF, 402KB)
Nut Awareness Guidelines
(PDF, 100KB)
Mobile Phone and Personal Devices Policy
(PDF, 1896KB)